EA Groups Newsletter September 22, 2018
Effective Altruism Groups Newsletter
September 22, 2018
Hi Organisers,
Here's the latest newsletter for EA Group organizers! If you'd like to submit content, please send it to groupnewsletter@eahub.org.
Michał Trzęsimiech and Marcin Kowrygo have joined the Local Effective Altruism Network (LEAN). Marcin has assumed a research-focused role in movement building strategy, whilst Michał is available for 1:1 support and general management inquiries. You can reach them via lean@eahub.org. We want to learn more about the content you'd find most helpful in this newsletter. Please share your quick feedback with us.
Tools & Resources
As a reminder, here are the main online spaces for EA Group organizers:
- EA Groups Slack (day-to-day coordination on projects)
- EA Group Organizers Facebook (general chat)
- EA Forum (sharing write-ups on strategy)
- EA Hub (resources, currently being re-vamped)
Here are some of the latest write-ups related to EA community building:
- CEA on community building and representativeness
- A lesson from EA London on 1:1s
- What activities do local groups run?
- EA Geneva community building funnel
- Harvard EA's 2018-2019 vision
- Students for High Impact Charity 2018 Update
- Reflections on Berkeley REACH
Want advice, ideas or feedback on your plans for your group? The following people are available for 1:1 support via Skype:
- Eli Nathan (CEA): eli.nathan@centreforeffectivealtruism.org
- Michał Trzęsimiech (LEAN): michal@eahub.org
- Tobias Pulver (EAF): tobias.pulver@ea-stiftung.org
- Catherine Low: (SHIC): catherine@highimpactstudents.org
- The EA Survey 2018 is kicking off with "Community Demographics & Characteristics"! Rethink Charity announced they're working on a series of articles presenting deep dives into the data (to be expected later this year).
- There's now a #retreats channel in the EA Groups Slack to share best practices related to hosting retreats for your groups.
- Giving What We Can membership is still growing at a good pace.
- HUEA have designed an Introduction to Effective Altruism course in collaboration with Harvard professors.
- Effective Thesis are accepting applications for Thesis Topic Coaching, to help students have a higher impact with academic research.
- CEA are running a small, private beta for the new EA Forum.
- Tickets are 75% sold out for EA Global: London (26-28 October). Priority is given to those looking for direct work (read more). If you know anyone who may be a good fit, please encourage them to apply ASAP.
Event Highlights
It's been a busy few months! Here's what some EA Group organizers have been up to recently. Share your event highlights viagroupnewsletter@eahub.org.
In August, EA Community builders and entrepreneurs gathered from around the world to discuss ideas for new projects and initiatives at the EA Summit.
Recipients of CEA's Community Building Grants met outside of Prague to share best practices and work together on their plans.