(English below)
Antes conocido como EAGxLATAM, EAGxCDMX se llevará a cabo del 14 al 16 de marzo de 2025. La comunidad de altruismo eficaz (EA) se reunirá en la capital de México por tercer año consecutivo, ¡aplica ahora!
Si acabas de descubrir el movimiento de EA y quieres conocer más o si ya tienes mucha familiaridad con las ideas centrales y tienes experiencia en alguna de sus causas, esta conferencia es una gran oportunidad para escuchar charlas que te harán reflexionar y para hacer conexiones con personas que comparten tus intereses.
¡Ya puedes aplicar!
Envía tu solicitud (te toma entre 5 y 15 minutos) antes de Marzo 11. Te pediremos tus datos básicos y que nos cuentes sobre tu interacción y experiencia con el altruismo eficaz.
Nuestro equipo revisará tu solicitud. Nos proponemos responder a las solicitudes en un plazo de 10 días hábiles y nos pondremos en contacto contigo independientemente del resultado. ¡La mayoría de las personas de nuestra región con interés en EA son aceptadas!
Regístrate para la conferencia (5 minutos aproximadamente). Si tu solicitud fue aceptada, recibirás un correo electrónico con un enlace para registrarte y confirmar tu asistencia. En esta etapa, te haremos preguntas sobre tus requisitos alimenticios y otros detalles logísticos. También te pediremos que indiques sí puedes apoyar como voluntario(a) y/o hacer un donativo para ayudar a solventar los gastos del evento.
No dudes en contactarnos a cdmx@eaglobalx.org si tienes alguna pregunta. Si te interesa asistir pero no estás segura(o), ¡aplica de todos modos!
¿Quién debería asistir?
EAGxCDMX es tanto para personas que quieren aprender más sobre EA, como para quienes ya usan sus principios en su carrera profesional. Todos los asistentes deben haber consultado al menos 10 horas de contenido de EA, y el evento es ideal para:
- Estudiantes en México que quieran aprender más sobre EA y carreras profesionales relacionadas
- Residentes locales que buscan profundizar su interacción con esta comunidad
- Personas con amplia experiencia sobre EA de cualquier parte del mundo que estén interesadas en ampliar su red de contactos y conocimiento de la comunidad latinoamericana
Este evento tiene como principal objetivo fortalecer la comunidad de EA de habla hispana, por lo que estamos planeando que entre el 50 y el 65% del contenido sea en español y el resto en inglés. Consideramos que asistirán muchas personas que solo hablan español, y algunas del resto del mundo que no hablan este idioma, y creemos que la conferencia ofrecerá valiosas conexiones y charlas para ambos grupos (y cualquier otro asistente).
Actualmente estamos preparando el programa y nos interesa saber qué oradores y temas te gustaría ver en el evento. Mándanos tus sugerencias o registra tu interés como ponente a través de este formulario. La agenda de los eventos de EAGx normalmente incluye:
- Charlas y debates sobre las últimas ideas del movimiento EA (aquí puedes ver charlas en inglés de ediciones anteriores)
- Talleres para ayudarte a mejorar tu raciocinio y ejecución
- Reuniones, networking y actividades sociales
El programa estará disponible a través de la aplicación Swapcard cuando esté confirmado. Te recomendamos que también uses esta aplicación durante el evento para conectar con quienes quieras establecer contacto.
Asistencia para gastos
Si el costo de admisión es demasiado alto para tu presupuesto, puedes solicitar asistencia financiera al llenar tu solicitud. Ten en cuenta que los fondos de apoyo para viajes son limitados y no podremos acceder a todas las solicitudes. Te recomendamos que no asumas que tu solicitud de apoyo será aceptada, aunque si esto sucede, es probablemente el resultado de fondos limitados y no una evaluación de tu potencial de impacto. Tus probabilidades de recibir apoyo financiero aumentan entre más pronto envíes tu solicitud. Consulta nuestra política de apoyo para viajes para conocer más detalles.
Corre la voz
¡Ayúdanos a hacer que EAGxCDMX sea un éxito! Si conoces a alguien que quiera asistir a la conferencia, invítale a que se postule y síguenos en Instagram, LinkedIn y TikTok para estar al día con todo lo relacionado con EAGxCDMX.
Si tienes alguna pregunta, no dudes en contactarnos a cdmx@eaglobalx.org
Formerly known as EAGxLATAM, EAGxCDMX will take place from March 14th–16th, 2025. Join us as the effective altruism (EA) community meets in the capital of Mexico for the third consecutive year. Apply now!
Whether you've just discovered the EA movement and want to learn more or you’re very familiar with the central ideas and have experience working in a cause area, this conference is a great opportunity to attend thought-provoking talks and connect with like-minded people.
Application Process
Apply to the conference (~5-15 minutes) by March 11. We collect basic details, ask about your engagement with effective altruism, etc.
Our team will review your application. We aim to respond to applications within 10 business days, and will be in touch about your application regardless of outcome. Most people in our region who are interested in EA are accepted!
Register for the conference (~5 minutes). If you’ve been accepted, you’ll receive an email with a link to register and confirm your place at the conference. At this stage you’ll be asked about dietary requirements and other logistic details, as well as indicate if you’ll be available to volunteer and/or elect to donate to offset event costs.
Feel free to contact cdmx@eaglobalx.org with any questions. If you want to attend but are unsure about whether to apply, please just apply anyway!
Who should attend
EAGxCDMX is intended for individuals new to the EA movement as well as those who already use EA principles in their work and career. All attendees should have engaged with EA content for at least 10 hours, and the event is particularly suited for:
- Students based in Mexico who want to learn more about EA and related career paths
- Local residents looking to engage further with the community
- Experienced EAs from anywhere in the world, interested in expanding their network and understanding of the LATAM community
This event is mainly intended to strengthen the Spanish-speaking EA community, so we are aiming for 50 to 65% of the content to be in Spanish, with the remainder in English. We expect many attendees to only speak Spanish, and some international attendees who don’t speak Spanish at all, and believe the conference will provide valuable connections and talks for both groups (and everyone in between).
We are currently putting together the program and we’d like to hear what speakers and topics you want to see at the event. Let us know or register your interest as speaker here.
The agenda for EAGx events typically include:
- Talks and discussions on the latest ideas at the frontiers of the EA movement (previous examples available here)
- Workshops to help improve your thinking and execution
- Meetings, networking and social activities
The program will be available via the Swapcard app when it’s finalized. We highly recommend that you also use this app during the event to get in touch with any attendees you may want to connect with.
Travel assistance
If the cost of attending is too high for your budget, you can apply for travel support while filling out your application. Please note that travel support funds are limited, and we won't be able to accommodate all requests. We recommend that you don’t assume your request will be granted, though if this happens, it’s likely the result of limited funds rather than an evaluation of your potential for impact. Your chances of receiving travel assistance increase the sooner you apply. Please check our travel support policy for more details.
Spread the word
Help us make EAGxCDMX a success! If you know someone who might want to attend the conference, please invite them to apply and follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok to stay up to date with all things EAGxCDMX.
If you have any inquiries, feel free to contact us at cdmx@eaglobalx.org
Frequently asked questions
What are EA Global and EAGx Events?
EA Global (EAG) and EAGx are a series of conferences for members of the effective altruism (EA) community.
Both EA Global and EAGx conferences typically last around 2-3 days. They involve talks, workshops, discussions, and many chances to network with people interested in effective altruism. The conferences can range in size, from several hundred to over a thousand attendees!
Although the events are very similar, there are some differences between EA Global and EAGx events. For example, EA Global is organized by the Centre for Effective Altruism, while EAGx is organized by members of the EA community, with support from the events team. See below for more information.
What’s the difference between an EA Global and EAGx?
Both EA Global (EAG) and EAGx events are quite similar; they are opportunities for people interested in effective altruism to make connections, exchange ideas, and attend talks and workshops over the course of a few days.
Just like there are TED and TEDx conferences, there are EAG and EAGx conferences. The 'x' indicates that this is a community-organised EAG event.
EA Global conferences are organized by the Centre for Effective Altruism, and people from all over the world attend these. The team at CEA is responsible for choosing the content, processing admissions, and the event's production.
EAGx events, on the other hand, are mostly community-organized (with some support from the EA Global team). The target audience for EAGx events is broader than EAG, but tends to have a more regional focus. CEA provides funding and support to EAGx events (eg. access to our event app), but the local community organisers are responsible for choosing content, processing admissions, and the event's production.
Who should attend an EA Global or EAGx conference?
EA Global and EAGx events are designed to help members of the effective altruism community make progress on the world's pressing problems by sharing new thinking and research as well as starting or coordinating on important projects. We have an admissions system for EA Global and EAGx events, to help us select for applicants who seem most able to help each other pursue these goals.
You can read more about what we’re looking for here or the admissions section of the FAQ, but in short:
EA Global is mostly aimed at people who have a solid understanding of the core ideas of EA and who are taking significant actions based on those ideas. Many EA Global attendees are already professionally working on effective-altruism-inspired projects or figuring out how best to work on such projects.
EAGx conferences are primarily for people who are:
- Familiar with the core ideas of effective altruism
- Interested in learning more about what to do with these ideas
- From the region or country where the conference is taking place (or living there)
If you want to attend but are unsure about whether to apply, please err on the side of applying!
We sometimes admit people who view themselves as less experienced. We also sometimes admit people who are less invested in effective altruism than other applicants, but whose professional background or studies make them well placed to help other attendees at the conference achieve their goals.
You must be 18 or older at the time of the event in order to attend EAG and EAGx events. In the past, we allowed under 18s to attend with a chaperone. Unfortunately, this is no longer allowed due to our current insurance policy.
Should I volunteer? How do I sign up to volunteer?
Volunteers are crucial to the success of our conferences! Before EA Global, volunteers are asked to do 2.5 hours of pre-event training. During the event, volunteers generally complete one 4-6 hour shift each day. Besides these time commitments, volunteers participate in the conference as all attendees do. For this reason, we require volunteers to be accepted to the conference as an attendee before they can join the volunteer team.
Volunteers help the conference run smoothly in a variety of ways, such as liaising with speakers, welcoming attendees, managing the content rooms, and helping attendees navigate the venue.
In the past, volunteers have found connecting with each other and the conference organisers to be extremely valuable. We view this benefit as a crucial aspect of the volunteering process.
We think volunteering is particularly useful for:
- Attendees who want to test their operations or event-running skills
- Attendees who would like to help ensure the conference is a success
- First-time attendees who don’t expect to be completely booked with meetings
- Attendees who would like to meet other volunteers or work with the organising team
To volunteer, simply express interest in the application or registration form for EA Global, or email us at hello@eaglobal.org.
How much will it cost to attend?
We typically require attendees to buy a ticket. For EA Global events that require tickets, the default price is $500 though we offer reduced-price and free tickets to those who might need them. Students and attendees seeking work will have an opportunity to request a free ticket as part of the application form.
Some of our EA Global Events are free to attend—this will be made clear on the registration page for the relevant event. We do ask that you consider donating, and when registering for the conference you will have an opportunity to do this. Just like our ticketed events, our suggested donation is £400 ($500).
EAGx events are organised separately and ticket prices will vary by event. Some of our EAGx events are also free to attend—this will be made clear on the registration page for the relevant event. We do ask that you consider donating, and you will have an opportunity to do this when registering for the conference. Please see the relevant event for the details.
Our events cost between $500 and $2,000 per person to run, with EAGx events on the lower side and EA Global events on the higher side. There are relatively few venues that are well-located and large enough to accommodate our events and the costs to host events at these venues are often high, with large line items like catering and audio-visual (AV) services heavily marked up.
We’re working to reduce these costs. Recently, we’ve reduced the number of meals we serve at our events, negotiated more competitive AV quotes, limited how much travel support we provide to attendees and identified cheaper venues. Still, we ask that attendees consider supporting us so that we can continue to run these events for the benefit of the effective altruism community.
We also offer some travel support. If you need travel support, you should let us know during your application; there is a designated question about this. Requesting travel support does not lower your chance of being accepted to the conference.
You can see more on travel support here and in FAQs below.
What is your travel support policy?
Please see our full travel support policy here for more details.
Many attendees can use their own funds to cover travel and accommodation for the conference, or can ask for them to be covered by their employer or university. While we'd like for attendees to use these funding sources wherever possible, others may need financial support in order to attend.
If you need travel support, let us know during your application; there is a designated question about this. Requesting travel support does not lower your chance of being accepted to the conference.
In 2025, attendees are eligible to receive funding for a maximum of one EA Global conference for the year (note: this does not include EAGx conferences).
If you attend an EA Global in 2025 without funding, you’re still eligible to apply for funding to another EA Global that year, though we may down-weigh your funding application (as we try to fund people who’ve been to fewer EA Globals). This decision is based on decreased availability in travel funding.
Please read the full travel support policy to find out more. If you have any questions, please contact admissions@eaglobal.org.
What should I do if I need a visa?
If you may need a visa in order to attend, you should apply as early as possible, and let us know during your application; there is a designated question about this. We can provide you with a visa letter if you are admitted. Unfortunately, we're unable to offer advice regarding visa application processes.
Is it possible to get a refund for tickets if I have already paid?
Refunds are possible for certain events up to a few weeks before the event. Please check the relevant event page for details. If you believe you are eligible for a refund, please contact us at admissions@eaglobal.org.
How should I prepare for the conference?
We've found that attendees get much more value from the conference if they prepare in advance.
Here are some concrete steps you can take to prepare for the conference itself:
- Make a list of your priorities — what you’d like to get out of the conference
- Make a plan of action based on those priorities
- Follow the instructions in the emails you’re getting and make yourself a profile on Swapcard (our event app)
- Look through other people’s profiles and connect with those you’d like to meet with or who share your interests
- Look through sessions on the agenda and register for the ones you’d like to attend (and bookmark the ones you’re interested in but which you’re less sure about)
- Be realistic - plan in adequate time to rest, refuel and to have spontaneous conversations
- Read Forum posts tagged “effective altruism conferences” for lots more tips on how to get the most out of attending a conference
How do I find accommodation?
In general, attendees are responsible for booking their own accommodation. We also have a conference-specific Slack for each event which includes a channel for coordinating accommodation with other attendees.
What is Swapcard? How do I use it?
Swapcard is the app we use for our events. Attendees use it to:
- Look at the agenda and register for the content sessions they’d like to attend
- Make a profile to help you connect with other attendees - you can say what you do, what you’re interested in talking about, what ideas or expertise you can give others, and how to contact you
- Request 1-1 or small group meetings with other attendees - choose the people, the time, and the meeting point
- Send messages to coordinate with other attendees, during and after the conference
- Find key information about the event, such as the attendee guide, map, wifi, jobs board, or what time food is being served
Once your application has been accepted to the conference, you'll be given access to the event Swapcard page roughly 1-2 weeks before the event.
I want to speak at a conference or there's some content I'd like to see, what do I do?
You can suggest a speaker (including yourself) or share other content ideas using this form.
This form does not guarantee that a content suggestion will be included in a conference, nor that each entry will receive a response. However, we're grateful for submissions to this form and we monitor form responses regularly.
You can also email speakers@eaglobal.org, or contact specific EAGx teams by using the email address on their event page.
What kind of food will be served?
Catered food at our conferences is typically vegan. Any non-vegan or allergy-specific food will be labeled. Each event will share a participant guide with accepted attendees shortly before the conference, which will cover many logistics, including more information about food at the conference.
If you need to bring your own food, we are usually able to help you with refrigerator space — please ask at hello@eaglobal.org.
Can you make accommodations for accessibility?
We try to make our conferences accessible to everyone. Please ask at hello@eaglobal.org if you have questions about accessibility or if you need us to make any accommodations.
How do you manage COVID risk?
The COVID protocols will vary by event, as the situation and location changes.
For EA Global events we are not currently imposing any COVID restrictions, though we recommend attendees to be up to date with WHO-approved vaccines.
When possible at our venues, we set up space outdoors or areas with good ventilation.
What is the code of conduct at EAG(x) events?
At EA Global, EAGx events and social events associated with EA Global or EAGx events, all attendees agree to:
- Respect the boundaries of other participants.
- Look out for one another and try to help if you can.
- Adhere to national and local health and safety regulations, as well as any additional policies we institute for EA Global.
This is a professional learning and networking event. These behaviors don't belong at EA Global or related events:
- Unwanted sexual attention or sexual harassment of any kind.
- Using the event app to request meetings for romantic or sexual reasons.
- Offensive, disruptive, or discriminatory actions or communication.
We understand that human interaction is complex. If you feel able, please give each other the benefit of explaining behavior you find unwelcome or offensive.
If you’re asked to stop a behavior that’s causing a problem for someone, we expect you to stop immediately.
You can contact us at hello@eaglobal.org if you have any questions.
All our conferences have at least one community contact person whose role is to be available for personal or interpersonal problems that come up. Feedback can also be left anonymously on the event survey, or on the community health team’s anonymous contact form.
How can I contact the EA Global or EAGx organizers?
For general enquiries, please email us at hello@eaglobal.org. We can redirect you to the right teams from here.
You can find EAGx organising team email addresses on their specific event pages.
For EA Global admissions related questions please contact admissions@eaglobal.org.
For anonymous feedback, use CEA's form here.
I can no longer attend EAG(x), how do I cancel my registration?
To cancel your registration, please complete the following steps:
- Log in to your EA Global account and go to the 'My Event Registrations' tab.
- Navigate to the relevant EA Global event and click 'Manage'. This will open your registration record.
- To the right of your registration record, you will see a small form titled, 'No Longer Interested in Attending?'
- Please fill this out and click, 'Request Registration Cancellation'.
Why is it called EAGx?
In the same way that there are TED and TEDx conferences, there are EAG and EAGx conferences. The 'x' indicates that this is an community organised EAG event.
Where are EAGx conferences happening?
View our upcoming events to see what's currently in the works.
Can I organise an EAGx conference?
Yes! If you are interested in organising an EAGx conference yourself, please apply here and contact arthur.malone@centreforeffectivealtruism.org with any questions.